Shrey Pareek, Hemanth Manjunath, Ehsan Esfahani and Thenkurussi Kesavadas “MyoTrack: Tracking Subject Participation in Robotic Rehabilitation using sEMG and IMU” selected for podium presentation, IEEE International Symposium on Medical Robotics, Atlanta, April 3-5, 2019.
Naveen Sankaran, Harris J Nisar, Ji Zhang, Kyle Formella, Jennifer Amos, Lisa T. Barker, John A. Vozenilek, Steven M. LaValle, Thenkurussi Kesavadas “Efficacy Study on Interactive Mixed Reality (IMR) Software with Sepsis Prevention Medical Education” IEEE Virtual Reality, Osaka, Japan, March 25-27, 2019
Hanchao Yu, Yang Fu, Haichao Yu, Jianbo Jiao, Yunchao Wei, Xinchao Wang, Matthew Bramlet, Thenkurussi Kesavadas, Honghui Shi, Thomas Huang “A Novel Framework for 3D-2D vertebra Matching”, the IEEE 2nd International Conference on Multimedia Information Processing and Retrieval 2019, San Jose, CA March 28-30, 2019
Rajeswaran Pavithra, Jeremy Verghese, Praveen Kumar, John Vozenilek, T.Kesavadas, “AirwayVR: Virtual Reality Trainer for Endotracheal Intubation” IEEE VR, Osaka, March 25-27, 2019 (In proceedings) (Poster)
Naveen Kumar Sankaran, Kuocheng Wang, Kevin J.Pommier, Menglin Tian, David L. Crawford, Thenkurussi Kesavadas “Simulated Surgical Robot Trainer for Surgical Assistants” Surgeons and Engineers: A Dialogue on Surgical Simulation, ACS Simulation Surgical Summit, March 16, 2019 (Poster)
Chembrammel P, Kesavadas T “A new implementation for online calculation of manipulator Jacobian”. PLoS ONE 14(2): e0212018. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0212018
Naveen Kumar Sankaran, Sai Rakesh Rachakonda, Abraham Kocheril, Suraj Kapa, Thenkurussi Kesavadas “Adverse Events in Endovascular Robotic Assisted Procedures” Circulation, American Heart Association Journal https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/abs/10.1161/circ.138.suppl_1.17178
Shankar A. Deka ; Dušan M. Stipanović ; Thenkurussi Kesavadas “Stable Bilateral Teleoperation With Bounded Control”, IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, Early Access (10-22-2018) IEEExplorer.
A.Ganguli, G.J. Pagan-Diaz, L. Grant, C. Cvetkovic, M. Bramlet, J. Vozenilek, T. Kesavadas, and R. Bashir, “3D Printing for Preoperative Planning and Surgical Training: a review”, Biomedical Microdevices, 20:65 (2018); doi.org/10.1007/s10544-018-0301-9
N. K. Sankaran, P. Chembrammel, A. Siddiqui, K. Snyder and T. Kesavadas, “Design and Development of Surgeon Augmented Endovascular Robotic System,” in IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, vol. PP, no. 99, pp. 1-1.
X. Li and T. Kesavadas, “Surgical robot with environment reconstruction and force feedback,” in 2018 International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), July 2018.
Hajar Sharif, Pramod Chembrammel, Thenkurussi Kesavadas “A Methodology for Classification of Activities of Daily Living Based on Anatomical Data Obtained Using an Infrared Camera”, in 2018 International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), July 2018. (Poseter)
Kuo Wang, T. Kesavadas, “Real Time Deformation of Virtual Organs Using Finite Element Method”, in 2018 International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), July 2018. (Poster)
Paul Ruales, Pavithra Rajeshwaran, Jeffrey B. Webb, Aaron M. Bray, and Thenkurussi Kesavadas “Modelling Valvular Diseases Using a Virtual Physiology Engine” in 2018 International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), July 2018. (Poster)
Yao Li, Thenkurussi Kesavadas. “Brain Computer Interface Robotic Co-workers: Defective Part Picking System.” ASME 2018 13th International Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2018.
Pareek Shrey, Chembrammel Pramod, and Kesavadas Thenkurussi. “Development and Evaluation of a Haptics-based Rehabilitation System.” International Symposium on Medical Robotics, 2018. Atlanta, March 1-3, 2018
Pavithra Rajeswaran, Na-Teng Hung, John Vozenilek, Praveen Kumar, Thenkurussi Kesavadas “AirwayVR: Learning Endotracheal Intubation in Virtual Reality” to appear in the proceedings of IEEE Virtual Reality Conference, Germany, March 17-18, 2018 (in the proceedings).
Kuocheng Wang, Kishore Adimulam, Thenkurussi Kesavadas “Tetrahedral Mesh Visualization in a Game Engine” IEEE Virtual Reality, Germany, March 17-18, 2018 (in the proceedings).
Pareek Shrey, Chembrammel Pramod, and Kesavadas Thenkurussi. “Haptics-based Rehabilitation of ADL Skills Using Massed Practice Therapy .” IEEE Haptics Symposium 2018. March 26-27, 2018.
S. A. Deka, X. Li, D. M. Stipanovic, and T. Kesavadas, “Robust and safe coordination of multiple robotic manipulators,” Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems, Nov 2017. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10846-017-0699-y
Xiao Li, Homa Alemzadeh, Daniel Chen, Zbigniew Kalbarczyk, Ravishankar K. Iyer, and Thenkurussi Kesavadas, “Surgeon Training in Telerobotic Surgery via a Hardware-in-the-Loop Simulator,” Journal of Healthcare Engineering, vol. 2017. https://doi.org/10.1155/2017/6702919.
Chembrammel, P. & Kesavadas, T. “Control of a robot using brain computer interface to aid in rehabilitation” Jan 1 2017 Biosystems and Biorobotics. Springer International Publishing, Vol. 15, p. 1239-1243 5 p. (Biosystems and Biorobotics; vol. 15)
Kuocheng Wang, Thenkurussi Kesavadas “Deformable Body Formulation for Virtual Surgery”, Conference: 39th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, July 11-15, South Korea 2017
Shashwat Gupta, Mark Daniel Doose, Pramod Chembrammel, Jai Raman, Thenkurussi Kesavadas “Training Simulator for Mechanical Circulatory Support using Extra-Corporeal Membrane Oxygenation” Conference: 39th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, July 11-15, South Korea 2017
Jackie Chen, Pramod Chembrammel, Shrey Pareek, Thenkurussi Kesavadas “Augmented Reality as a Medical Diagnosis and Surgical Planning Tool” Conference: 39th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, July 11-15, South Korea 2017
Naveen Kumar Sankaran, Kyle Formella, Lisa T. Barker MD, Vozenilek, John A MD, Thenkurussi Kesavadas PhD “Sepsis Training using Interactive Virtual Reality (IVR)” Poster Presented at 10th Annual ACS AEI Surgical Simulation Meeting, March 17-18, 2017, Chicago, USA
X. Li, H. Alemzadeh, D. Chen, Z. Kalbarczyk, R. K. Iyer, T. Kesavadas, “A Hardware-in-the-loop Simulator for Safety Training in Robotic Surgery”, To appear in the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2016)
X. Li, Y. Li, T. Kesavadas, “Enhancing Safety Training in Robotic Surgery through a Hardware-in-the-Loop Simulator and Haptic Feedback”, in the 38th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC16)
H. Alemzadeh, D. Chen, X. Li, T. Kesavadas, Z. T. Kalbarczyk, R. K. Iyer, “Targeted Attacks on Teleoperated Surgical Robots: Dynamic Model-based Detection and Mitigation”, in the 46th IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN), 2016
H. Alemzadeh, D. Chen, X. Li, Z. Kalbarczyk, R. K. Iyer, T. Kesavadas, J. Raman, “A Software Framework for Simulation of Safety Hazards in Robotic Surgical Systems”, in the SIGBED Review, vol. 12, no. 4, Nov. 2015, Special Issue on Medical Cyber Physical Systems Workshop (MedicalCPS’15)
Yong-won Seo, Ashirwad Chowriappa, Khushid Guru and Thenkurussi Kesavadas “Medical Simulator for Trocar Insertion Procedure”, to be presented at the Medicine Meets Virtual Reality Conference, San Diego, CA Feb, 2013
Ashirwad Chowriappa, Raul Wirz, Aditya Reddy and Kesh Kesavadas “Convex decomposition of the cervical spine for real time collision detection”, IEEE Virtual Reality Conference, to be presented, Orlando, FL, March 16-21, 2013
Ashirwad Chowriappa, Raul Wirz, Yong Won Seo, Aditya Reddy Ashammagari, Andrew Stegemann, Khurshid A Guru, Thenkurussi Kesavadas “Error prediction from expert demonstrations for Tele-surgery” to be presented at the IEEE ROBIO conference, Guangzhou, China, Dec. 14-17, 2012
Thenkurussi Kesavadas, Andrew P Stegemann, Shabnam Rehman, Johar R Syed, Khurshid Ghani, Ricardo Autorino, Mohamed Sharif, Amrith Rao, Yi Shi, Gregory E Wilding,James M Hassett, Kamran Ahmed, James O Peabody, Jihad Kaouk and Khurshid A Guru “Implementation, and Validation of a Simulation-Based Curriculum for Robot-Assisted Surgery” To be presented at the Society for Laparascopic Surgery(SLS) /Minimally Invasive Robotic Surgery Association (MIRA) conference in Boston, Sept 5-9, 2012.
Dipen Dave; Ashirwad Chowriappa; Thenkurussi Kesavadas, “New Gesture Interface for 3D CAD Modeling using Kinect” Computer Aided Design Conference, 2012(in digital proceedings)
Andrew P Stegemann, Thenkurussi Kesavadas, Shabnam Rehman, Mohamed Sharif, Amrith Rao, Nefertiti C duPont, Yi Shi, Gregory E Wilding, James M Hassett, Khurshid A Guru, “Development, Implementation, and Validation of a Simulation-Based Curriculum for Robot-Assisted Surgery” Journal of Urology, The Vol. 187, Issue 4, Supplement, Page e612 2012.
Chowriappa A, Kesavadas T, Mokin M, Kan P, Salunke S, Natarajan SK, Scott PD.“Vascular decomposition using weighted approximate convex decomposition” Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery 2012 Jun 13. issn. 1861-6410, pp. 1-13.
Chowriappa A, Kesavadas T, Mokin M, Kan P, Salunke S, Natarajan SK, Scott PD.“Vascular decomposition using weighted approximate convex decomposition” Computer Assisted Radiolog & Surgery Conference, Pisa, Italy, June 2012 (In digital proceedings)
Subrahmaniyan, N., Krishnaswamy, S., Chowriappa, A., Srimathveeravalli, G., Bisantz, A., Shriber, L. & Kesavadas, T. “A Visual Haptic System for Children with Learning Disabilities: Software and Hardware Design Considerations.” Journal of Interactive Learning Research, 23(2), 113-141, 2012.
Kesavadas, T., and Guru, K. “Role of Simulator in Robotic Surgery” Pediatric Robotics and Reconstructive Urology, Chapter 3, Cambridge Press, June 2011. (Book Chapter)
Natarajan S K, Srimathveeravalli G, Kesavadas T, Levy EI “Robotics in Endovascular Surgery” Congress Quarterly Congress of Nuerological Surgeons, 12:4-7 Spring 2011.
Kesavadas T., Kamerkar A., and Anand A., “Touch-Based Interactive NURBS Modeler Using a Force/Position Input Glove” Virtual Engineering, Chapter 2, Momentum Press, 2010.
Seixas-Mikelus S, Adal A, Srimathveeravalli G, Kesavadas T, Baheti A, Chandrashekar R, Wilding G and Guru K “Can Image Based Virtual Reality Help Teach Anatomy?” Journal of Endourology, 2010 Apr; 24(4):629-34.
Seixas-Mikelus S, Kesavadas T, Srimathveeravalli G, Chandrashekar R, Wilding G and Guru K “Face Validation of Novel Robotic Surgical Simulator”, Urology (Gold), 76(2):357-60, Aug 2010.
Srimathveeravalli G, Li X, and Kesavadas T “Design and Fabrication of a Robotic Mechanism for Remote Steering and Positioning of Interventional Devices”, The International Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer Aided Surgery, Vol. 6 (2), pp 160-170, June 2010.
Seixas-Mikelus S, Steggman A., Kesavadas T, Srimathveeravalli G, Chandrashekar R, Wilding G, Satyaseelean, G., and Guru K., “Content Validation of a Novel Robotic Surgery Simulator” British Journal of Urology International” Spring 2011 (Available online from Oct 2, 2010).
Chowriappa, A., Rodrigues, R., Kesavadas,T., Govindaraju,V., and Bisantz, A., “Generation of Handwriting by Active Shape Modeling and Global Local Approximation (GLA) Adaptation,” Proceedings of International Conference on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition 2010, 12th International Conference, Kolkata, India.
Srimathveeravalli G, A. Kumar, and T. Kesavadas, “Comparative Study: Virtual Fixtures and Shared Control for Rehabilitation of Fine Motor Skills” ASME Journal of Computers and Information Sciences in Engineering, Vol. 9, No. 1, March, 2009
Srimathveeravalli G, Gourishankar V, Kumar A and Kesavadas T “Experimental Evaluation of Shared Control for Rehabilitation of Fine Motor Skills”, ASME Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering, Vol. 9 (1) (March 2009)
Kesavadas T , Kumar A, Srimathveeravalli G, Karimpuzha S, Baheti A, Chandrasekhar R, Wilding G, Butt Z and Guru K “Efficacy of Robotic Surgery Simulator (RoSS) for the daVinci® Surgical System”, The Journal of Urology 181:4 Supplement, 2009.
Guru K, Baheti A, Kesavadas T, Kumar A, Srimathveeravalli G, and Butt Z “In-Vivo Videos Enhance Cognitive Skills for da Vinci® Surgical System”, The Journal of Urology 181:4 Supplement, 2009
Chowriappa, A; Subrahmaniyan, N; Srimathveeravalli, G; Bisantz, A; Kesavadas, T, “Modeling and defining expert handwriting behavior,” Systems, Man and Cybernetics, 2009. SMC 2009. IEEE International Conference on , vol., no., pp.2918-2923, 11-14 Oct. 2009
Li, X; Srimathveeravalli, G; Singla, P; Kesavadas, T, “A novel and robust algorithm to model handwriting skill for haptic applications,” Systems, Man and Cybernetics, 2009. SMC 2009. IEEE International Conference on , vol., no., pp.2912-2917, 11-14 Oct. 2009
Kocherry J, Srimathveeravalli G, Chowriappa A, Kesavadas T and Shin G “Improving Haptic Experience through Biomechanical Measurements” in Proc. Of IEEE World Haptics Conference, March, 2009.
Kesavadas, T., and Nagaraja, V., “Analysis of Stress Developed due to Interaction of Catheter-Plaque interaction during Neuro-endovascular Surgical Procedures” International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, v.3 Sup 1, pp1342-1344, 2008.
Kumar,A., Seshadri, S., Baheti, A., Govindarajan S., Kesavadas, T., and Guru, K., “Virtual Reality Surgical Trainer for Robotic Urological Procedures” Journal of Urology, v.179 (4), pp 660-661, June, 2008.
George, S., and Kesavadas, T., “A Low Cost Augmented Reality for Training of MRI-guided Needle Biopsy of the Spine” Stud Health Technol Inform. 2008;132:138-40.
Bhandwale, A., and Kesavadas, T., “A Methodology to Incorporate Product Mix Variations in Cellular Manufacturing” Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing v.17 (1): pp 75-81, 2008.
Sengupta, A., Kesavadas, T., Baier, R, and Hoffmann, K.R., “Identification of critical areas of carotid stent navigation by measurement of resistive forces, in vitro, using silicone phantoms” International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery v.2 (1): pp138-145, 2007.
Arulesan, V.,Kesavadas, T., and Hoffmann, K.R., “Analysis of stress developed in artery walls during neuro-endovascular surgical procedures” International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery v.2 (1): pp218-221, 2007.
Srimathveeravalli, G., Gourishankar, V., and Kesavadas, T., “Comparative Study: Virtual Fixtures and Shared Control for Rehabilitation of Fine Motor Skills” World Haptics Conference, Tsukuba, Japan, March 22-24, 2007.
Gourishankar, V., Srimathveeravalli, G., and Kesavadas, T., “HapStick: A High Fidelity Haptic Simulation for Billiards” World Haptics Conference, Tsukuba, Japan, March 22-24, 2007.
Baheti A.,Seshadri S., Kumar A., Srimathveeravalli. G., Kesavadas, T., and Guru, K., “RoSS: Virtual Reality Robotic Surgical Simulator for the da Vinci Surgical System” to be presented at the IEEE Haptics Conference, Reno, NV, March 2007.
Kim, Y.S, Kesavadas, T., and Paley, S., “The UB Virtual Site Museum: An Example of Research and Education Implemented in the Virtual Environment” Presence v.15 (3) MIT press, June, 2006.
Kim, Y.-S., and Kesavadas, T., “Fingertip Digitizer: Touch Screen and Touch Painting System,” Emerging Technologies, SIGGRAPH 2006: The 33rd International Conference and Exhibition on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques, Boston, MA. August 2006. (Only 35 demos selected this year – acceptance 20-25%).
Mehta, C., and Kesavadas, T.,“A Framework for Three Dimensional Solid Model Reconstruction” ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conference, Philadelphia, PA. in CD-ROM proceedings, September 2006.
Kim, Y.-S., and Kesavadas, T., “Fingertip Digitizer: Applying haptics and biomechanics to tactile input technology,” paper selected for Sketches, SIGGRAPH 2006: The 33rd International Conference and Exhibition on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques, Boston, MA. August 2006.
Kim, Y.-S., and Kesavadas, T., “Material property recognition by active tapping for fingertip digitizing”. IEEE 14thSymposium on Haptic Interfaces for Virtual Environment & Teleoperator System, pp.133-139, Alexandria, VA. March, 2006.
Kim, Y.-S., Shah, P., Mandiak, M., and Kesavadas, T., “Development of Integrated GUI Framework for Post-Disaster Data Fusion Visualization”, Fusion 2006, Philadelphia, PA. June 2005.
Srimathveeravalli G, Gourishankar V and Kesavadas T “Haptic Attributes and Human Motor Skills” presented at IEEE 14thSymposium On Haptic Interfaces For Virtual Envir. & Teleoperator Systs. March 2006.
Kesavadas,T., Srimathveeravalli, G., and Arulesan, V., “Parametric Modeling and Simulation of Trocar Insertion” Medicine Meets Virtual Reality, Long Beach, CA., January 2006.
Myers J., Mayrose J., David, E., Anand, A., and Kesavadas, T., “Virtual Reality Simulation Model for Emergency Airway Management Training” Academic Emergency Medicine, v.12, n.8, pp. 794-795, 2005.
Smalley, K., and Kesavadas, T., “Development of a Method for Surface and Subsurface Modeling Using Force and Position Sensors” Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, v.111, pp. 482-7, 2005.
Mandiak, M., and Kesavadas, T., “Virtual Product Development through a Haptic Interface” Virtual Reality Symposium, ASME Winter Congress, Orlando, FL. CD-ROM proceedings. November 2005.
Bhat, B., Kesavadas, T., and Hoffmann, K.H.,“A Physically-Based Model for Guide-Wire Simulation on Patient-Specific Data,” Computer Aided Radiology and Surgery Conference, Berlin, Germany, in proceedings, June 2005.
Srimathveeravalli, G., and Kesavadas, T., “Motor Skill Training Assistance Using Haptic Attributes”, World Haptics Congress, Pisa, Italy, in CDROM proceedings, March 2005.
Kesavadas, T., Agrawal, R., Hoffmann, K.H.,“Configuration-Space Technique For Calculating Stent-Fitness Measures for The Planning of Neuro-Endovascular Interventions” Medical Imaging Conference, International Society of Optical Engineering, San Diego, February 2005.
Smalley, K., and Kesavadas, T., “Development of a Method for Surface and Subsurface Modeling Using Force and Position Sensors” Medicine Meets Virtual Reality, Long Beach, CA, January 2005.
Balajapalee, A., and Kesavadas, T., “Value Addition of Haptics in Complex Manufacturing Applications” ASME Journal of Computers and Information Sciences in Engineering, V(4) N(2), 2004.
Kesavadas, T., and Balajapalee, A., “Advances in Haptic Simulations in Design and Manufacturing,” Handbook of Industrial Information Technology, CRC Press, Chapter 67, 2004.
Kim, Y.-S and Kesavadas, T. “Haptic Kymograph: Towards Transmission of Diagnostic Vital Signs” Eurohaptics, Munich, Germany, June 2004.
Kim, Y.-S, and Kesavadas, T., “Automated Dynamic Symbology for Visualization of High Level Fusion” Fusion 04, Stockholm, Sweden, June-July 2004.
Kamerkar, A., and Kesavadas, T., “Touch Based Interactive NURBS Modeler using a Force/Position Input Glove”, ASME Design and Technology Conferences, Salt Lake City, Utah, September 2004.
Bhandwale, A., and Kesavadas, T., “Impact of Product Mix Variations on Material Handling for Cellular Manufacturing” ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and R&D Expo Anaheim, CA, November 2004.
Srimathveeravalli, G., Subramanian, N., and Kesavadas, T., “A Scenario Generation Tool for DDF Simulation Testbeds”, Winter Simulation Conference (WSC ’04), Washington D.C., December 2004.
Subramaniam, N., Kesavadas, T., and Hoffmann, K.R., “Geometry Based Metrics For Planning of Neuro-Endovascular Therapy” Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery Conference (CARS 04), Chicago, IL, June 26, 2004.
Subramaniam, N., and Kesavadas, T., “A Prototype Virtual Reality System for Preoperative Planning of Neuro-Endovascular Interventions” Medicine Meets Virtual Reality (MMVR 12) in Newport Beach, CA, January 2004.
Chanda, A., and Kesavadas, T., “Real-Time Volume Haptic Rendering of Non-Linear Viscoelastic Behavior of Soft Tissue through Dynamic Atomic Unit Approach” Medicine Meets Virtual Reality (MMVR 12) in Newport Beach, CA, January 2004.
Kesavadas, T., and Balajapalee, A., “Advances in Haptic Simulations in Design and Manufacturing,” Handbook of Industrial Information Technology, CRC Press, Chapter 67, 2004.
Kesavadas, T., and Ernzer, M., “Design of an Interactive Virtual Factory using Cell Formation Methodologies,” Journal of Advanced Manufacturing, v.2(2):229-245, 2003.
Mayrose J., Kesavadas T., Chugh K., Dhananjay J., Ellis D.G., “Utilization of Virtual Reality for Endotracheal Intubation Training,” Resuscitation, v.59(1), pp.133-138, 2003.
Deviprasad, T., and Kesavadas, T., “Virtual Prototyping of Assembly Components” Journal of Manufacturing Systems, v. 22 (1), pp.16-27, 2003.
Fienberg, D.A., Kesavadas, T., Pape, D., “Development of an Interactive Teaching System based on Motion Synchrony between Physical and Virtual Models” Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, v. 94, pp. 79-85, 2003.
Kesavadas, T. and Subramaniam, H., “Experimental Study of Virtual Tools with Attributes”, IIE Transactions, v.35, 9333-940, 2003.
Joshi, D., and Kesavadas, T., “Framework for Network Based Manufacturing Training Through Telehaptics” ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress And R&D Expo Washington D.C., November 2003. (Won the Best Technical Paper Award).
Bhandwale, A., Kesavadas, T, English, K., Bloebaum, C, Lewis, K, Chugh, K“Interactive Design and Visualization of a Chemical Plant,” In Proceedings of ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress And R&D Expo Washington D.C., November 16-21 2003.
Basapur S., Bisantz A., and Kesavadas, T., “The Effect of Display Modality on Decision-Making in Uncertainty,” In Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 47th Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, October 2003.
Joshi, D., and Kesavadas, T., “A Framework for Haptics Based Collaborative Design Environment” International Symposium on Product Lifecycle Management, Bangalore, India, Appeared in the CD Rom proceedings, July 2003.
Joshi, D., and Kesavadas, T., “Tele-Haptics: A Framework for Haptics Communications” Laval European Virtual Reality Conference, Laval, France, appeared in the proceedings, May 2003.
Feinberg, D.A., Kesavadas, T., Pape, D., “Development of an Interactive Teaching System based on Motion Synchrony between Physical and Virtual Models” appeared in the Proceedings of the Medicine Meets VR conference, January 2003.
Subramaniam, N., Kesavadas, T., and Patra, A, “Visualization of Geo-Physical Mass Simulation” IEEE Visualization ‘03, Seattle, Washington, October 2003.
Kesavadas, T., Subramanian, N., Hoffmann, K.R., Gopal, A., “Development of Virtual Tools with Intelligent Attributes for Neuro-Endovascular Intervention” Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, 17thInternational Congress and Exhibition, London, UK, June 2003.
Kesavadas, T., Chanda, A., “Haptic Rendering through a Dynamic Atomic Unit Approach: Towards Non-Linear, Viscoelastic, Anisotropic Behavior” Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, 17thInternational Congress and Exhibition, London, UK, June 2003.
Balijepalli, A., and Kesavadas, T., “An Exploratory Haptic Based Path Planning and Training Tool for Polishing,” appeared in the proceeding of the ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress in New Orleans, November 2002.
Mayrose, J., Kesavadas, T., Chugh, K., Joshi, D., “A Virtual Environment for Esophageal Intubation Training” Proceedings of the Medicine Meets VR conference, January 2002.
Balijepalli, A., and Kesavadas, T., “An Exploratory Haptic Based Path Planning and Training Tool,” IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Washington D.C, April 2002.
Mayrose, J., Kesavadas, T., Chugh, K., Joshi, D., “A Virtual Environment for Esophageal Intubation Training” – Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, v. 81, pp 221-227, 2002.
Sheridan, M.F., Bloebaum, C.L., Kesavadas, T., Patra, A.K, and Winer, E., “Visualization and Communication in Risk Management of Landslides,” in C.A. Brebbia (editor), Risk Analysis III, WIT Press, Southampton, pp. 691-701, 2002.
Kesavadas, T., Chugh, K., and Mayrose, J., “Validating the Atomic Unit Approach to Physically Based Modeling for Virtual Reality”, UB Research Festival, May 2001.
Kesavadas, T., Paley, S., Kim, Y.S., “Virtual Reconstruction of an Assyrian Palace” UB Research Festival, May 2001.
Kesavadas, T., and Sudhir, A., “High Performance Computing in Manufacturing Simulation” High Performance Computing Conference, Bangalore, India, December 2001.
Sharma, C., and Kesavadas, T., “Investigation of Haptic Framework for Quantitative Design Analysis in Virtual Environments” 7th International Symposium on Virtual Systems and Multimedia, Berkeley USA. Appeared in the IEEE Computer Society Proceedings, pp 844-850, 2001.
Kim, Y.-S, Kesavadas, T., Paley, S., Sanders, D., “Real Time Animation of King Ashur-nasir-pal II in the Virtual Recreated Northwest Palace” 7th International Symposium on Virtual Systems and Multimedia 2001, Berkeley USA. Appeared in the IEEE Computer Society Proceedings, pp 128-136, 2001.
Sharma, C., and Kesavadas, T., “A Haptics based Virtual Environment for Engineering Design and Manufacturing applications” ASME Design and Engineering Technical Conference, Computers and Information in Engineering, Pittsburgh USA. September 2001.
Kesavadas, T., and Sudhir, A., “Control of Transient Phase for Discrete Event Simulation using Computational Steering” AIM ‘01, Como, Italy, July 2001.
Khandelwal, D., and Kesavadas, T., “A Computational Approach to Multi-material Solid Free Form Fabrication Using Simulated Annealing,” ASME DETC Conference, Baltimore, MD, September 2000.
Sudhir, A., and Kesavadas, T., “Computational Steering of Manufacturing Steering using Virtual Reality” IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, San Francisco, April 2000.
Chugh, K., Kesavadas, T., and Mayrose, J., “Experimental Evaluation of a Fine Grained Approach to Physically Based 3-D Modeling for Virtual Reality”, Kingston, Canada, May 2000.
Singh, T., Kesavadas, T., Mayne, R., Kim, J-J., Roy, A., “Design of Hardware/Algorithms for Enhancement of Driver-Vehicle Performance in Inclement Conditions Using a Virtual Environment”, SAE World Congress, March 6-9, Detroit, MI, SAE Technical Paper Series, March 2000.
Mayrose J., Chugh K., and Kesavadas T., “A Non-invasive Tool for Quantitative Measurement of Soft Tissue Properties,” World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, Chicago, June 2000.
Chugh K., Mayrose J., and Kesavadas T., “The Atomic Unit Method: A Physically Based Volumetric Model for Interactive Tissue Simulation,” World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, Chicago, June 2000.
Mayrose, J., Kesavadas, T., and Narayanasamy, S., “One-Dimensional Approach To Viscoelastic Material Stiffness Calculations” ASME Bioengineering, Bed. v 43. pp 227-228, November 1999
Chugh, K., Kesavadas, T., and Mayrose, J., “Fine Grained Approach to Physically Based 3-D Modeling for Virtual Reality”, Graphics Interface ’99, Kingston, Canada, June 1999.
Chugh, K., Kesavadas, T., and Mayrose, J., “A Fine Grained Approach to Physically Based 3-D Modeling for Virtual Reality”, Sigma-Xi Research Poster Competition, University at Buffalo, April 1999.
Taluk, D., and Kesavadas, T., “VPAVE: An Interactive Tool for Validating Assembly Components in Virtual Environment using Finite Element Simulation”, NIST-ASME Industrial Virtual Reality Symposium, Chicago, IL, November 1999.
Kesavadas, T., and Subramaniam, H., “Experimental Study of Virtual Tools with Attributes”, NIST-ASME Industrial Virtual Reality Symposium, Chicago, November 1999.
Kesavadas, T., and Ernzer, M., “Design of Virtual Factory Using Cell Formation Methodologies,” Industrial Virtual Reality: Manufacturing and Design Tool for the Next Millennium, Nashville, TN, November, 1999.
Ernzer, M., and Kesavadas, T., “Interactive Design Of A Virtual Factory Using Cellular Manufacturing System” Proceedings – IEEE International Conference on Robotics & Automation. v 3 pp. 2428-2433, April 1999..
Kesavadas, T., “Visualization Tool for Factory Design,” 5th International Symposium on Virtual Systems and Multimedia, Dundee, Scotland, September 1999.
Ernzer, M., and Kesavadas, T., “Design of Virtual Factory using Cell Formation Techniques” IEEE Robotics and Automation conference in Detroit, MI, May 1999.
Ernzer, M., and Kesavadas, T., “Design of Virtual Factory using Cell Formation Techniques” Refereed Video segment and oral presentation at the IEEE Robotics and Automation Conference in Detroit, on-IEEE video, May 1999.
Chugh. K., Kesavadas, T. and Mayrose, J., “Development of the Virtual Human Abdomen: Algorithms and Methodologies” ACM-SIGGRAPH, pp.170-171, 2001.
Mayrose, J., Chugh, K., and Kesavadas, T., “Material Property Determination Of Sub-Surface Objects in A Viscoelastic Environment” Biomedical Sciences Instrumentation. v 36, pp. 313-317, 2000.
Singh, T., Kesavadas, T., Mayne, R.M. Kim, J., Roy, A., “Design of Hardware/Algorithms for Enhancement of Driver-Vehicle Performance in Inclement Conditions Using a Virtual Environment” SAE Transactions – Journal of Passenger Car – Mechanical Systems, v108 (6), 2000.
Kesavadas, T., and Ernzer, M. “Design of an Interactive Virtual Factory Using Cell Formation Methodologies”, Industrial VR: Manufacturing and Design Tool for the Next Millennium, ASME. pp. 201-208, 1999.
Kesavadas, T., and Subramaniam, H., “Object Oriented Model of Behavior Encoded Virtual Tools” Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics. v.1 pp.. 338-343, April 1998.
Lefort, L., and Kesavadas, T., “Interactive Virtual Factory for Design of a Shopfloor Using Single Cluster Analysis” IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation. v 1 pp 266-271, Lueven, Belgium, May 1998. (2ndplace, best paper award in Automation).
Kesavadas, T. and Subramanium, H., “Flexible Virtual Tools For Programming Robotic Finishing Operations” The Industrial Robot. v 25 n 4, pp. 268-275, 1998.
Kesavadas, T., Khor, C., Subramaniam, H., Taluk, D., “Programming of a Virtual Robot Assisted by a Neural Network for Manufacturing Applications” ASME Intelligent Engineering Systems through Artificial Neural Networks. v 7 pp. 879-884, 1997.
Kesavadas, T., and Khor, C., “A Neural Network Based Interactive Programming of a Deburring Robot in a Virtual Environment”, ASME Manufacturing Division Conference Proceedings, Dallas, TX, MED-Vol. 6-1, pp. 273-280, November 1997.
Kesavadas, T., and Subramani, H., Taluk., D., and Khor, C., “Virtual Tools Aided by Neural Network Path Planner for Welding Operation,” Applied Neural Network in Engineering (ANNIE `97) Conference at St. Louis, MO, November 1997.
Kesavadas, T., “Augmented Reality: Applications to Design and Manufacturing,” ASME 1996 Design Engineering Technical Conference, Published in the CD ROM proceedings. Aug 18-22, 1996.
Kesavadas, T., and Cannon, D. J., “Virtual Tools with Attributes for Robotic Based Intermediate Manufacturing Processes” Proceedings – IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation. v 2 pp. 1845-1850, Minneapolis, MN, April 1996.
Kesavadas, T., and Cannon, D.J., “Virtual Tools that Carry Attributes for Interactively Specifying Intermediate Manufacturing Processes,” Journal of Virtual Reality Applications, Research and Development. v 1 n 2 pp.71-90, 1995.
Cannon, D.J., Thomas, G., Wang, C., Kesavadas, T. “Virtual Reality Based Point-And-Direct Robotic System with Instrumented Glove” International Journal of Industrial Engineering – Applications & Practice. v 1 n 2 pp. 139-148, 1994.
Kesavadas, T., and Cannon, D.J., “Objective Control of a Robotic Die Polishing Operation in a V-PAD Environment,” ISIR’93 (International Symposium on Intelligent Robotics), pp. 405-414, Bangalore, India, January 1993.
Kesavadas, T., Kuo, R J., Cannon, D J., “Intelligent Robotic Die Polishing System Using A Neural Network” ASME Intelligent Engineering Systems Through Artificial Neural Networks. v 2 pp. 803-808, 1992.
Kesavadas, T., Kuo, R., and Cannon, D.J., “An Intelligent Robotic Die Polishing System Using a Neural Network,” presented at ANNIE’92 (Artificial Neural Network in Engineering), St. Louis, MO, November 1992.
Kesavadas, T., Madhusudana, K., Ganesh, N., and Prabhaker, O., “Computer Simulation of a Turbine Blade Solidification,” (based on first author’s Masters thesis) presented at the Annual Symposium of the Indian Institute of Metals, New Delhi, India, November 1988.